Fluix: Get Started flow

Design of new customer's first experience on the platform
Project Overview
Fluix is a complex b2b product that helps companies of different sizes and industries automate business processes and replace tonnes of paper documents with PDF forms on iOS devices.

Fluix has a significant number of features and unique entities that new users have to understand to improve their processes. So it's quite a challenge for a new user to understand how this system works and how it can be useful for his/her company and processes.

Usually our sales team contacts new customers and asks them about their business processes, explains Fluix's features and entities, and automates user's processes with Fluix.

But not all new customers want to communicate with sales managers and in the future we are going to increase a number of new customers, so it would be great to design a first user's experience.

So this flow starts, when a new lead Signs Up on Fluix.io and creates a password.
My Contributions
Together with the product manager and a few Fluix's designers, I:
  • designed numerous iterations of the user's interface;
  • designed philosophy of interactions; 
  • created numerous hi-fi prototypes in Principle;
  • designed and reviewed a release of the first take of this feature;
  • designed and reviewed a release of the 1/4 part of the second take of this feature; 
  • prepared to release 2 and 3/4 parts of the second take of this feature.
On my own with my team's feedback, I: 
  • interviewed our sales managers and success managers about introducing Fluix to new customers;
  • researched different Getting Started flows in other products;  
  • defined the sequence of necessary first steps;
  • created content for steps' descriptions;
  • tested hi-fi prototypes on our users.
  • made a lot of improvements in Admin Portal's UX
To be continued...
Welcome to Fluix
After Sign Up, we welcome a new customer in the admin portal and suggest choosing one of four cases. Each case allows automating common business processes. By hovering on cases, a user will see additional benefits about each of them.
If a user does not know which case should he/she pick, it is possible to contact our sales team and schedule a demo-call. By clicking on the case, a user will go to the How it works page.
How it works
The video has anchor-points, which allows navigating to the different stages of the process. The video illustrates the whole automated with the Fluix process.
After a user watched the video or read the content from anchors, he/she can click on the Proceed the setup button or back to the case choosing.
Gentle guiding without pressure
By clicking on the Proceed to Setup, the Admin Portal opens. The first step is to create a Workflow — the primary Fluix's tool, which allows companies to automate their processes.

We show a user a Get Started window with a definition of Workflow and a hint of the first step. Also, we gently highlight the Add Workflow button.
Important: A user can follow our hints, or he/she can explore other sections of the Admin Portal. Our goal is to guide users without any restrictions and pressure.

Also, the user has a choice to complete steps with opened Get Started window or closed if he/she doesn't need too much information.
Step 1: Create a Workflow
To create a workflow a user has to choose or invite participants. For a quick start, we pre-configured groups of users for each case and recommend them for choosing with highlighting and Recommended badge. But still, a user can choose any users or groups of users as participants.
The next sub-step is to define a folder with templates, which we also preconfigured for a new admin. And in the end, an admin should define a submit rule which will be available for participants of this workflow.
Step 2: Participate in the workflow as a user
After creating a new workflow, a new admin can test a workflow as a participant. He/she has a choice to test it in the Web Admin Portal or on iOS devices.

To test a workflow, an admin has to open, fill out, and submit at least one document.
If an admin picks to test on the device, we will show a window with QR-code, which allows find and download the Fluix application.

If an admin picks to test in Admin Portal, we redirect him/her to the User App section in the Admin Portal.
Step 3: Check a Document Status
Admins can check documents' statuses and view documents' history. So admins can find all documents other users work with in real-time.
Final: What's Next?
When an admin completes all steps, we reward him/her with a big happy party emoji. But this is not the end, after a first successful workflow, we suggest to a new admin continue work in Fluix.
An admin can manage new entities such as Users and Files or start setting up a new case or discover more info about Fluix in the Knowledge base.

Thank You!

For reading till the very end 🤩